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235 W 1st Street, San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 653-8320
San Angelo Federal Credit Union - Homepage

Fee Schedule


            SAFCU Fee Schedule         Effective 1-1-2022




Account Activity Printout 

$1.00 per page

Account Closure Fee(checking and savings)

$15.00 ( if closed within 90 days of opening)

Account Research /Reconciliations

$25.00 per hr. ( 1 hour minimum )

Account Verifications

$3.00 each

ACH  Origination (debit only)

$2.00 each transaction

ATM Transactions  -  Non-Members at SAFCU's ATM

$2.00 per transaction

ATM Transactions at SAFCU ATMs

No Fee (if using SAFCU ATM\Debit card )

Business Checking Account Monthly Fee

$8.00 if balance less than $1,000.00

Cash Money Packs


Cashier's Checks

$1.50 each

Check Cashing Fee - For Non-Members (only government issued checks)

1% of the amount of the check

Check Cashing Fee - Members With Only One Service

$5.00 - checks less than $250

$7.50 - checks more than $250

Check Copy

$3.00 each

Check Orders/ Printing

Fee depends on style of checks ordered

Check Reorder by Phone


 Check Register (1 free - charge for each additional)  $1.00 per register
 Coin Machine for Members  3%
 Coin Machine for Non-Members  8%
 Coin Machine - Scottie Savers when deposited to Scottie Acct  Free

Collection Draft


Copies of Documents

$1.00 per page

Credit Report   (by special request)


Debit Card/ATM Card Fee  (re-order, lost, or damaged)

$7.50 first time, $10.00 thereafter   

Dormant (escheat) Account Processing Fee


Electronic Bill Pay

No Fee

Excessive Share Withdrawals Reg. D Violations

$1.00 per item (after 7 withdrawals/month)

GAP Insurance



$25.00 each

Inactive Deposit Account (no activity for 12 mo)

$5.00 per year charged Dec. 31st

Insufficient Funds

27.00 Per item (includes Drafts, ACH, ATM, Courtesy Pay, Pre-Authorized withdrawals.

Internal Vehicle Loan Refinances


Line of Credit  Loan Overdraft


Line of Credit Advance Fee


Loans Late Fee (after 10 days late)


Mailed Receipts

$ .50 each

MasterCard Payment Fee


Money Orders

$1.50 each

Notary Service

$6.00 for non-members   

Online Statements (E-Statements)

No Fee

Outgoing Fax

$1.00 per page

Paper Statements Sent by Mail

$2.00   (checking accounts only)

Payday Lending Alternative Loans


Phone-In Teller Transfer Fee

$1.00 each

Reopening of Account(s)

$15.00 (if opened within 90 days of closure)

Overdraft Transfer from Savings

$3.00 per item

Returned Deposit 

$5.00 per item

Returned Statements, Mail, Bad E-Addresses

$2.50 each occurrence

Skip - A - Payment


Statement Copy

$5.00 each

Stop Payment


Tax Refund Loans


Telephone Account Access via ART(325-659-3169)

No Fee

Temporary Checks

$1.00 per page (4 checks )

Title document fee (for name changes)
Title document fee (for out of state titles)


Transfer to Cover Overdraft (by SAFCU staff)

$3.00 per transaction

Wire (Incoming)

No Fee

Wire Transfer (Outgoing)

$20.00 each